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Dr. Marco Behrmann rated Top 100

We are proud to announce that we have been included in the Top 100 Excellent Trainers Germany community. This is a great honor for us.

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The people are key! - These top 10 work trends rule the "new normal"

This year's workplace trends are characterized by the "new normal" of a virtual and hybrid business environment and emotional and structural consequences of remote working. Employee attraction, employee loyalty, and employee-centered, integrative working conditions are key topics for initiatives of executives and HR business partners. Take a minute and check out the top 10 trends and the results of the SIOP study yourself.

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Against Wrong Conclusions - the Most Unfair Fallacy of our Brain

Do you know that? Someone's behavior surprises or bothers us. And we know immediately where it comes from. The other's personality is the reason. Stop! Is it really true? Often, situation, circumstances, daily form, or simply luck are much better explanations for the behavior of the other. Our brain ist thinking fast and makes its judgment quickly. In this case, the so-called fundamental attribution error - one of the most common fallacies in human thinking. We tend to overestimate the influence of the person and underestimate the situation. There are 3 good strategies to avoid it:

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Success Recipe for a Good Life and Healthy Relationships of Value

The bestseller "The 7 habits of highly effective people" by Stephen Covey is one of the most outstanding collections of pragmatic methods and success principles for professional and private life. In a compact edition of the 30th anniversary, Covey gives instructions for self-realization along the success principles. The 7 habits are a good starting point to focus on your own habits regarding effectiveness, success, happiness, and relationship quality in all your social contacts. Here they are:

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