X-Rubicon - Profile, History, Experience - Dr. Marco Behrmann



Top 10 Workplace Trends 2020


Top 10 Workplace Trends

Every year, the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, the world's leading institution for human success and well-being at work, announces the hot topics that affect employees, HR managers, managers, and organizational developers. SIOP surveys their members worldwide.

Here are the top 10 Workplace Trends of tomorrow:

  • Trend 1: Artificial intelligence and machine learning
  • Trend 2: Diversity, inclusion, and equity
  • Trend 3: "Gig economy" – contract work and new working relationships
  • Trend 4: Working with big data in HR - methods, benefit, and legal standards
  • Trend 5: The changing nature of work (in digital age)
  • Trend 6: Automation of jobs and tasks
  • Trend 7: Algorithmic personnel selection – quality and applicant reactions
  • Trend 8: Workforce health and well-being
  • Trend 9 (tie): Meaning and purposeful work
  • Trend 9 (tie): Virtual working spaces
  • Trend 10: Data visualization and communication

What are your experiences? Which of these trends affects you most in your work? If you would like to discuss this, send us your experiences.

The SIOP publication and additional information on how the trends can benefit occupational and organizational psychologists are accessible here: www.siop.org/Research-Publications

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